I initially had grand plans for this blog. It was going to be a very thorough and professional blog with lots of serious and well-written book reviews. It would be a destination for parents, who could search on a topic and find the info they needed, so that they didn't have to spend hours reading and researching. I had this idea almost a year ago, and I started brainstorming the books I'd read and researching the best blogging platforms.
And then life happened.
I discovered that I didn't have quiet as much time as I'd hoped. I discovered that writing a proper book review takes a bit longer, and is rather difficult when you read the book several months ago. I even discovered that my daughter wasn't going to nap for 1.5hrs every 3 hours, as some of the books suggested she would! The whole blog idea fell by the wayside and I set my sights on other things.
And yet, I kept reading. And I kept recommending books to my fellow new parents. And I kept thinking about this blog.
So here I am. This will still be a blog about parenting books. I will still do mini-reviews in an informal way. And I still hope you will find them helpful.
With blogs, with parenthood, and with life, things don't always go as expected. But that doesn't mean they don't go well. Sometimes they even go better. Perhaps that will be the case here, too.
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