Not all of my reviews will be glowing, but I wanted to spread the word about some of my favorites asap so that the new and expecting moms out there can get their hands on a copy. And Baby 411 definitely ranks up there as one of my favorites!
This is a classic case of "don't judge a book by its cover". Or its title, as the case may be. When I first saw the book, I though both were, um, hokey. This title was even specifically recommended to us by our prenatal class instructor, and I still passed it up. Yet for whatever reason I put it on my baby registry. It showed up at my door a few days after we came home from the hospital, and I was immediately hooked.
Baby 411 has a ton of great information laid out in an easily accessible way, which makes it a great reference book. It also covers things in an easy-to-digest question-and-answer format, frequently with humor, which makes it great to read cover-to-cover. I recommend both. When I was home with a newborn I read this book all the way through, soaking up information. As my baby grew and various questions cropped up, I'd turn back to the book time and again for information and answers.
The first half of this book is my favorite. Topics include nutrition (general, then broken down into solids and liquids), "the other end", hygiene, development, etc. It then goes on to discuss vaccines, first aid, and common infections and diseases. This second part was a little scary for me, as I hate to think about my little girl getting sick, but it's still good information.
I should note that this book's philosophy in general, and about vaccines specifically, is "show me the science". The authors only provide information that has been backed by scientific studies, and they are pro-vaccines. That mostly sums up my approach to parenting, as well, but I realize not everybody agrees.
Sprinkled throughout the book are little icons pointing out helpful hints, red flags, feedback from the real world, and old wives tales (that are either debunk-able or true). These also help to keep the reading light and entertaining.
Overall, this book is a real winner. Lots of wonderful must-know information in a fun and easy-to-read format. Who could ask for better? There's a reason I recommend this to (or buy it for) all of my new mommy friends!
Final rating: Buy!
I also really like the finding a pediatrician chapter and explaining a visit to the pediatrician (including why they run behind sometimes!)